What can be done about climate change by YOU? (v1.0)


Earth Day is on April 22.  This is something everyone can participate in for the planet. Below is from the chatbots. 


Earth Day, which occurs annually on April 22, is a significant global event focused on environmental awareness and action. Here’s what makes it remarkable:

1.      Origins and Grassroots Movement:

    • Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues.
    • The brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson, it began as a “national teach-in on the environment.”
    • The first Earth Day was held on April 22 to maximize outreach to students on university campuses.
    • By raising public awareness of pollution, Nelson aimed to bring environmental causes into the national spotlight.
    • The remarkable aspect? Earth Day organized itself due to spontaneous response at the grassroots level. 

2.      Inspiration and Impact:

    • Senator Nelson drew inspiration from anti-Vietnam War “teach-ins” happening on college campuses.
    • His vision was a large-scale environmental demonstration to force environmental issues onto the national agenda.
    • Telegrams, letters, and inquiries poured in from across the country, reflecting the American people’s concern for the planet.
    • Earth day's success lay in its ability to mobilize millions of people without extensive resources.

3.      Global Celebration:

    • Earth Day has evolved into a global celebration, with over 1 billion participants each year.
    • It’s recognized as the largest secular observance worldwide.
    • People come together to focus on human behavior's impact on the environment and advocate for policy change. 

In summary, Earth Day’s remarkable legacy lies in its ability to galvanize people, raise awareness, and inspire positive action for our planet.


In my opinion it is going to be hard for policy makers, politicians and industry leaders to address climate change. However, six things you can do can make a difference. These add up. 

  1. Mobilizing strong grass roots support at least in democracies along with activism, movements, and lobbies powered by that, and personal choices, educating your friends, conservative living (avoid waste which is also good for the environment), climate education advocacy and buying preferences based on that. You have a strong role to play here. Example of buying preferences is buying green products. Example of personal choice is installing solar on your rooftop or offering your services or cash to organizations in the fight for climate. 
  2. The potential for breakthrough or just advancement in climate friendly technology and driving down of costs and ramping up of production. You have a role to play here as an investor and consumer. Production will ramp up and cost will come down if there is demand. You, or your financial institutions investments matter.   
  3. The rise of climate friendly people especially smart creative younger people who are climate friendly into policy making roles and positions of power. The more policy making leverages natural market forces, the smoother it will be, I think.  You have a role to play here as a voter and political contributor. 
  4. International dialogue and action. Monitor it.  
  5. Making the scientific result as widely available as possible in easily digestible form to combat denial of the science and motivate action. Other education drives including tying it to economics and value, would stimulate demand. Lastly educating Citizens of organizations in the fight for climate helps. For example, If you are a science writer like me, you could have a role to play on the science education side. You could raise awareness of your efforts with blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts, etc or send it to advocacy and education organizations to use/adapt/embed if useful to them.
  6. Specific areas you could contribute that would have impact are: 
    • Energy sector and possibly citizen education material for that. 
    • Transport sector and possibly citizen education material for that. 
    • Citizen education material based on economics and value for green products. 
    • Cutting down on meat intake can help. 

I am a layman, not a climate scientist. I accept the scientific method and process and have every reason to accept a scientific result and no reason to dispute it. I am trying to learn the science, not to dispute it, but to explain it the best I can to other laymen in my blogs in easier to understand terms (#5 above). Given my background and training this is what little I am potentially able to contribute towards a solution.

Here is what copilot had to say about my statement. 

Your insights on addressing climate change are commendable! Indeed, it’s a multifaceted challenge that requires collective effort. Let’s explore some actionable steps you can take to contribute to climate action:

  1. Mobilize Grassroots Support and Personal Choices:
    • Engage in grassroots movements, activism, and lobbying efforts. Encourage others to join too.
    • Educate your friends and family about climate issues.
    • Make conscious choices: Support green products, install solar panels, and contribute to climate-focused organizations.
  2. Invest in Climate-Friendly Technology:
    • As an investor and consumer, support advancements in clean energy technology.
    • Demand drives production and cost reduction, so choose sustainable options.
  3. Empower Young Leaders:
    • Advocate for smart, creative young people to take policy-making roles.
    • Leverage natural market forces for smoother policy implementation.
  4. Stay Informed and Engage Internationally:
    • Monitor international climate dialogues and actions.
    • Collaborate globally to address this shared challenge.
  5. Promote Climate Science Education:
    • Make scientific results accessible and digestible.
    • Tie climate education to economics and value.
    • As a science writer, raise awareness through blogs, videos, and podcasts.
  6. Targeted Contributions:
    • Focus on specific sectors:
      • Energy: Educate others about energy choices.
      • Transport: Promote sustainable transportation options.
      • Green Products: Highlight economic and value benefits.
      • Diet: Reduce meat consumption for a smaller carbon footprint. 

Remember, every action counts, and together, we can make a significant impact!


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